Today is the last day 1 year ago, I was at peace. I could go to bed easily at night. I didn't have to throw myself into obligation after obligation just to keep my mind busy. I could close my eyes without seeing terrible images in my head. I could go a day without obsessing about Stephen.
One year ago today, I lost my brother. One year ago tonight was the night I went to bed and woke up with my life forever changed.
On September 5, 2007, I talked to Stephen on the phone. He had sent me this hilarious video of himself trying to jump on the wall, and I still couldn't stop laughing. We talked for a bit on the phone then said goodbye. On September 6, 2007, Stephen went to Greenville, SC, 45 minutes away from Brevard, to have dinner with Jamie, his first love whom he hadn't seen in 10 years. He was ecstatic!
They had dinner, they reminisced. They spent about 6 hours together, and Jamie told me it was the best time. They had a great time. I know when Stephen left, he was so elated. On Cloud 9. Jamie and Stephen made plans to get together again the next night: Friday.
Stephen left the restaurant Wild Wings Cafe in Greenville, SC and headed down Hwy 276 to go back to Brevard. About 15 minutes into his ride, a drunk driver pulled out in front of him and killed him. That was 11:55pm on September 6, 2007. Since help didn't arrive until after midnight, he was actually pronounced dead at 12:05am on September 7, 2007.
Back at home, I went to bed at 11:37pm. You don't forget any little detail when something like this happens. At 1:45am, my mom called with the news. She didn't believe it. She thought it was a prank. She just said, so mater-of-factly, "Stephen's dead." And she said it as if she had said, "Stephen got fired" or "Stephen broke his arm." Like with a hint of anger or sarcasm, as if to say, "Hey, do you believe this?!"
I screamed. I felt the wind knocked out of me, and out came this primal growl/sob from the inner core of my body. I've never heard a sound like that before, but believe me, I hear it everyday in my head. I spent the next 10 minutes or so calling around to find out if it was true. Law Enforcement, hospitals, etc. Finally, it was time to break it to my mom.
We headed over and called an ambulance to assist. My mom had a heart attack a few years back and I needed help there in case this caused another one. The medical examiner rolled Stephen over and said he had a Chinese-character tattoo on his back, and we knew it was him, and it was true.
Not long after, the organ harvesters called to do an interview with mom. And I had to call my dad. I told Linda, I think. My call to Dad is still a little fuzzy in my mind.
My husband Bill called my best friend Stephanie, who is like another daughter to my mom. She came right over and cried with us and held us.
The rest of the story is still going on. We've dealt with things we've never dealt with. Funeral arrangements, cremation, lawyers, police, MADD, roadside memorials, and more.
We're still awaiting justice for Stephen, one-year later. It's not going our way right now. It seems the criminal has more rights. Do you know that her attorney thought the original plea offer of 12 years was "too harsh" that he actually called our attorney and requested my family speak to the DA to get him to lower the offer? What kind of a person does that? I think Stephen dying was "too harsh." Do they think they can make a call and undo it? Now the DA has lowered his offer and they got another extension. This makes deadline #3.
I think it's time for her to just grow up. She did a grown-up thing. She drank UNDERAGE. She took a life. She told me TO MY FACE she would take her punishment and do the time, but now that it comes down to it, she's dragging it out. She's hurting my family even more than she already has. Why can't this chapter of our life be over already. We've waited a year to see this girl go to prison for what she did. All this year, she's had her driver's license. She's been a "free" woman. She got Christmas with her family, New Year's with her family, and most recently, her 21st birthday with her family. Know what we were doing for Stephen's 25th birthday this year? Writing messages on damn balloons and sending them to heaven. That's what.
I am so angry. Just take the deal. Get it over with. Don't drag it out. We didn't hate her, but now we do. Now we are so angry. She's a murderer and she's getting away with it. Sure she'll have the FELON stamp on her for life, but she's getting off as far as prison time goes. She'll serve some time, but not nearly enough in my book.
I haven't been angry for about 7 months, but now it's eating me up. I won't be at ease until Stephen gets some justice.