He is so missed and so loved.
I can't believe it's already been 2 months. A part of me still doesn't believe it's real. It really hurts and it so difficult to think that my kids have to grow up without their Uncle Steve and that I will NEVER get to be an Aunt to children he may have had in the future or a Sister-in-Law to a future wife.
I miss everything about him. I miss his laugh, I miss his pranks, I miss his hugs, I miss his calls, I miss getting mad at him and frustrated at him, I miss being bossy, which he hated so much ever since he was a little kid. I miss him sleeping on my couch. I miss having to tell Trey and Stephen to settle down before someone gets hurt. I miss him giving Makinsey extra attention so she didn't feel left out. I miss him getting to see movies before me and then him telling me all about them and that he's seen it already 3 times. I miss him calling to brag every time Jimmie Johnson won a race. I miss him calling me Nee-cole instead of Nih-cole. I miss his silly little videos he sent me from his phone. I miss his stories. I miss reminiscing about the past and laughing about it. I MISS HIM. Period.
Stephen, I love you and miss you more than I can ever say. I want you back with us. I want you here. And I know that's selfish because you had a hard life and suffered a lot. I know I'll see you again.

Your big sister,
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