Monday, June 22, 2009

Feeling sorry...

So, I've been keeping up with Chrissie via the SCDC inmate search application. I think about her a lot. I wonder what she's doing right now. I wonder if she'd care if I wrote to her. I wonder if she really meant what she said in the court room. I really hope she wasn't "pulling a fast one" on us. None of us wanted her to get a decade or more behind bars. We knew, being the type of person she is, if she went away for a long time, she'd come out a worse person than when she went in. It wouldn't do her or anybody any good to just lock her up and throw away the key. In 1 year's time, we'll see if she does any good by speaking to young people and telling her story. I would love to see her speak and hear what she has to say.

More than anything, I want her to know that we forgive her. We are sorry for her family. We are sorry she made the decision that she did. I could tell by looking at her that this ordeal is eating her up inside. I could tell by looking at her in court that she was in shock, still. That she couldn't believe she was actually going through this.

She has lost so much weight. She has lost the coloring in her skin. She looks like she's ill. I feel for her, I feel for her family. I feel for her when she has kids and they find out their mom killed someone. It's a sad situation for everyone involved.

I put together some pictures to show what a metamorphosis this young lady has gone through. Not only is she physically imprisoned, it looks like she's emotionally imprisoned by all the guilt that's eating away at her.


1 comment:

m milam said...

I too have lost a loved one- not from drunk driving though- from drugs. My family has been struggling too, and finding every hope we can to keep going. I found your blog by google- dragonflies. Dragonflies have been everywhere for us too since my little sister died. She was 28 and died Jan 2008. I know that we will see her again! And I know that she sends us these dragonflies to remind all of us that she is here still with us too- just as you said. Good luck to you and your family. I know you will see your brother again! God Speed!
