It finally happened. Today, my family met with the girl who killed Stephen. She and her parents came (WITHOUT their lawyer, which was a huge shocker) to Lake City where mom and I live and we had Dad and Linda live on webcam via Skype.
First, I showed her the memorial slideshow I made for Stephen. About halfway through the video, it shows the accident, his funeral, his ashes, the roadside memorial, etc. She really sobbed during that part.
After she watched the video, I told her we had a list of questions we'd like answered. She was more than eager to oblige. The fact that they came without an attorney says a lot to me that she sincerely wants to do for us whatever we need.
I asked her questions about her life, about how it's changed, what she plans to do with her life, the order of events that night, did Stephen try to speak or move at all, and more. They also allowed us to video tape the meeting, which was really important to us.
She expressed that she wants to speak out about her actions and about drunk driving and underage alcohol use. My dad asked that if she really wants to help, maybe she could work closely with the ministry our family has built about educating people about alcohol use and abuse. I gave her the link to Stephen's website, and my email address.
It would be so much easier to be angry with her and hold a grudge if she were a monster. She's a very articulate, beautiful, smart young lady. In fact, the second we saw her, my mom said, "She looks like someone Stephen would have dated." She's doesn't have a history of criminal activity, she's a college student, she works, she's from a great family. Her parents are so nice and you can tell they love their daughter and are so sad this had to happen to anyone.
They hugged us before they left. Her mom kissed me on the cheek. She asked if she could keep in touch and I said she could email me. I am very curious to follow her as she grows and see if she keeps her promises she made to us today.
She admits she did wrong. She knows she's going to prison, and she's absolutely terrified. She told us that when the judge tells her she has to go to jail, she's not going to oppose it. She'll go and take her punishment because that's what she deserves.
I am so glad we met her. Now, I am able to finally say, without a doubt, that I forgive her, I don't hate her, I feel sorry for her, and I hate that her family is suffering, as ours is.
Thanks to everyone who said prayers for my family today. They definitely worked.