From: http://www.nbc4.com/news/16495494/detail.html
Police: Toddler Steered Car For Drunken Mother
Two Other Children Also In Car
POSTED: 3:13 pm EDT June 4, 2008
GOSHEN TOWNSHIP, Ohio -- A police officer in Ohio said he pulled over a woman he suspected was driving drunk and found the woman's 1-year-old son steering the wheel, reported WLWT-TV in Cincinnati.
Marya Green was pulled over Tuesday.
The officer said that when he came to the driver's window, he found Green's 1-year-old son at the wheel, sitting in Green's lap.
Green, 29, registered a 0.11 percent blood-alcohol level. Two other children, ages 8 and 5, were also in the car.
Green was arrested and faces charges of DUI, driving under OVI suspension, noncompliance and endangering children.
Police said this is Green's third DUI arrest in six years.
The children were released to their father, police said.
Two questions...
1. Why does this woman still have custody of her children up until this point?
2. After the 2nd DUI arrest, why is this woman still a FREE woman?
She obviously has no regard for her children nor the law. When will people learn that human safety is more important than over-crowded prisons???
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