Sunday, September 27, 2009

"I'm finally where I'm supposed to be."

So I've been thinking about this for a while now. The other night, while watching "Grey's Anatomy," there was a story about a girl who had been badly injured and lost the will to live. She just wanted to die. It made me think of something that happened last month.

Last month, a friend from high school committed suicide. He had gotten some bad news (not life-threatening news) from the doctor and then hung himself. I was very distraught and saddened for him and his family. I felt that he must have been so wrought with pain and sadness and didn't feel like he could turn to anyone. I was very sad.

But as time passed and the more I thought about it, I got angry. Anytime I see anything about someone wanting to kill themself, I get so angry. And this is why...

The night Stephen died, he was on a date. The young lady he was with told me that one of the last things Stephen said before he died was this: "I am happy. I feel like I'm finally where I'm supposed to be." No matter what Stephen had been through in his life, no matter what he may have felt or done to himself in the past, in the end, he VALUED his life. He wanted to live. He wanted to be here, and it was taken away from him. He didn't choose to drink and drive. He was a victim. And yet, the person who chose to take the risk is still living. How is that fair?

It makes me so angry to see people live a risky lifestyle. People that don't care what happens to them. People who put themselves in harm's way all the time for fun. People like young girls who go out and party with all guys, not knowing what could happen to them if they passed out. People who speed or drive recklessly. I'm sorry. I just felt the need to vent a little.

I wish Stephen could be here. He wanted to be.


Marikxon said...

Hmm... thanks for sharing about your brother. I'm sad. I am also a fan of motorcycles, and I ride a motorcycle every day. Your story gives a valuable lesson for those who read it about the dangers of riding a motorcycle while drunk.


Nicole DiPatri Sheldon said...

To Max Manroe: I just wanted to clarify that my brother was NOT driving his motorcycle while drunk. He was hit by a drunk driver while he was on his motorcycle. There is a big difference.

Dobell Family-Reaching Out said...

I buried my son yesterday..He was 26 yrs old and he was riding a motor cycle...and Im really mad at him. He chose to ride like he had no respect for himself or others and was speeding at over 200klms an hour..He wanted to race but he chose to use a dead straight piece of highway and didn't factor i other road users. No one else was killed and he died instantly. Im so glad your son was riding safely though neither of these boys deaths makes anything seem better..

Nicole DiPatri Sheldon said...

Hi FunkySiren. Thanks for reading my blog. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. Anger is a part of the grieving process. You are on your way to healing. I know it feels right now like your son's death was senseless, but trust me when I say, the reason will reveal itself to you in the future. Some good will come of it. Even if it makes just 1 person think twice about motorcycle safety, then it will have not been in vain. I will be praying for you.