I've posted the articles about the accident that I talked about above. I'll put the original article from last December first, and then the one from yesterday's paper, next.
This is the young man. The expression on his face makes me sick to my stomach.

Aaron Russell Adler
Wreck kills 2, hurts 3
By TROY ROBERTS troberts@lakecityreporter.com
Published: Monday, December 3, 2007 9:52 PM EST
A Lake City teenager was charged with DUI manslaughter after a wreck Saturday night took the lives of a Lake City man and his 2-year-old grandson.
Aaron Russell Adler, 18, was charged in the deaths of Henry C. Camiel, 61, and 2-year-old Craig Camiel Jr. Adler was charged with two counts of DUI manslaughter and three counts of DUI with serious bodily injury after his SUV struck the rear of a car driven by Henry Camiel, Florida Highway Patrol reports state.
Three Lake Butler residents also suffered critical injuries in the crash, according to reports.
At approximately 6:30 p.m. Saturday, FHP troopers responded to a wreck on U.S. Highway 441, just south of Lake City near the intersection of County Road 242. The investigation revealed Adler was traveling northbound on the roadway and quickly approached Camiel's car, did not slow down and struck the rear of it.
The impact forced Camiel's car into southbound traffic, where he collided with a pickup truck driven by George R. Griffis, 57, of Lake Butler. Cathy Griffis, 50, and Kathrine Touchton, 81, also of Lake Butler, were in that vehicle at the time of the crash. All three were taken to Shands at
the University of Florida in Gainesville with critical injuries. Reports indicate their conditions had improved on Monday.
According to reports, neither seat belts nor child restraint were in use in the Camiel's vehicle at the time of the crash.
Adler was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash and was not injured.
“The family of Aaron Adler would like to offer their sincerest apologies and condolences to the victims and their families of the senseless and irresponsible criminal act that was visited upon them this past weekend,” said Aaron Adler's father, Russ Adler, in a statement released by the family. “Our prayers and heartfelt sympathies are with them.”
Lt. Mike Burroughs, public information officer for Troop B of FHP, said Russ Adler has promised his full cooperation into finding the source of the alcohol that his son consumed. Investigators are attempting to determine how the 18-year-old came into possession of alcohol.
“This is a far-reaching tragedy that could have been prevented by the interaction of someone calling Tow-To-Go for Mr. Adler's safe transport home, as well as his car being towed,” Burroughs said of the AAA program that can be utilized by calling (800) AAA-HELP. “As we approach the Christmas and New Year holidays, we are seeking cooperative help from the hosts of parties, bartenders and community members to help FHP stop underage impaired driving.”
Teen sentenced to 35 years in prison
19-year-old was under the influence at the time of a fatal wreck.
By TONY BRITT tbritt@lakecityreporter.com
Published: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:11 AM EDT
A Lake City teenager was sentenced to more than 30 years in prison for his role in a December 2007 fatal wreck where he was driving under the influence of alcohol.
Aaron Russell Adler, 19, was sentenced to 35 years in prison and five years probation. The sentencing was done Monday in a Columbia County Circuit Court. Adler was initially charged in the deaths of Henry C. Camiel, 61, and 2-year-old Craig Camiel Jr. Adler has been incarcerated in the Columbia County Jail since his arrest Dec. 1, 2007.
Adler was charged with two counts of DUI manslaughter and three counts of DUI with serious bodily injury after his SUV struck the rear of a car driven by Henry Camiel, according to Florida Highway Patrol reports.
Adler, who was represented by Jeffrey Siegmeister in Monday’s court proceedings, pleaded no contest to two counts of DUI manslaughter, two counts of DUI with serious bodily injury and one count of DUI with bodily injury. He was found guilty of all charges by Judge Julian E. Collins. Tina Seifert was the prosecuting attorney for the State Attorneys Office.
Adler received 15 years prison time for each DUI manslaughter count and five years in prison for one of the DUI with serious injury charges. He was sentenced to five years probation on the second DUI with serious injury charge and accredited for time served on the DUI with bodily injury charge.
According to police report accounts of the wreck, FHP troopers responded to the Dec. 1 wreck on U.S. Highway 441, just south of Lake City near the intersection of County Road 242, and their investigation revealed Adler was traveling northbound on the roadway and quickly approached Camiel’s car, did not slow down and struck the rear of it.
The impact forced Camiel’s car into southbound traffic, where he collided with a pickup truck driven by George R. Griffis, 57, of Lake Butler. Cathy Griffis, 50, and Kathrine Touchton, 81, also of Lake Butler, were in that vehicle at the time of the crash. All three were taken to Shands at the University of Florida in Gainesville with critical injuries.
According to reports, neither seat belts nor child restraint were in use in Camiel’s vehicle at the time of the crash.
Adler was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash and was not injured.
I am sorry for your loss. It was tragic and certainly unnecessary. Even though I have 6 brothers and sisters I for one do not have a first hand knowledge of how you feel. At the age of 16 my best friend's brother (who was like a brother to me) was killed by a drunk driver on the grand central prkwy. But you are a hypocrite when complain how Aaron Adler is smiling in his picture, well so are you. You seem to be gloating, which is evidence of a vindetta. Your blog smells of vengence instead of understanding. I personally am not a drinker and do not drink and drive. These bad actors need to do time. However, the only thing that helps is education. Otherwise, your blog does nothing except give you the forum to vent, but you will never have closure until you begin to heal. The kid smiles just like you do because although stupid he is still a kid who did a stupid selfish act that I am sure occurred before the dui. Now, nobody is smiling.
I cannot believe this guy that commented! It is people that have the "opinion" that he does that keep bailing out these people who have multiple DUI offenses until they actually kill someone. It doesn't matter how many brothers and sisters he he/she has..it would still hurt even if ONE was lost. People are NOT replaceable! You have showed much more understanding by meeting with the very person that KILLED Stephen and letting her have her chance to explain her actions. Many would not even THINK of doing this. Shame on him for assuming rather than asking!
I would like to say I am ery sorry that you lost your brother. I am sincerely sorry. You however do not know Aaron Adler, nor what was said or done before this picture was taken. He is not smiling because he is incarcerated for killing two people. He is not smiling because he drank and drove. He is not smiling because he enjoys being in prison. He may have been smiling because he saw his mother's face after not seeing it for so long. He might have been smiling at the sight of a sibling who loves him dearly and just wanted to show support. You are wrong to judge him on the basis of a picture taken out of context. I do not know your circumstance but I think it is honorable of you to want justice for your brothers death. I do not however think you should comment on a photograph of someone who may have just seen the last thing that would make him smile in 35 years. Aaron Adler is paying for is actions, he didn't try to duck out, he is serving MORE time for the accidental deaths of two people than some prisoners serve for the premedatated murder of five. Or the rape of 15. Do I agree with his actions, NO. Do I believe he shoudl have gotten off with community service, NO. Do I believe he was made an example, YES. Aaron was not mocking anyone, you have never smiled in the face of incredible agony?
This is in response to "Anonymous", who left a comment, but didn't have the decency to leave a way for me to notify him/her privately. I have met Aaron Adler's father, Russ, in person and also kept in touch with him through email. I asked him personally if he wanted me to delete what I said about Aaron. He told me not to. I don't care what Aaron saw immediately before his mugshot was taken that made him smile. His smile was not one of reassurance or love, it was maniacal looking. He looked like he was so out of it, he didn't have any control over his facial expression. Anyone who just killed a 2-year-old child and also a grandfather wouldn't smile because he felt like smiling. He'd smile because he was in shock and on the brink of losing his mind. I can tell you when Steohen died, I didn't smile for a while. Especially not in the hours immediately following his death. You can make excuses all you want...I don't agree with Aaron getting 35 years. Specifically because at age 18, the brain is not fully developed--the part of the brain that controls long-range planning and grasps the concept of "forever" isn't fully developed until around age 23. At age 18, you think you're invincible, but by the time you're 24, you realize what you've done and by then it's too late. I feel sorry for Aaron. In about 4 years, he'll realize what he's done and it'll be too late to change it.
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